amelieThe next in our French film season is Amélie which will be showing on: Released in 2001, "Amélie" is a fanciful comedy about a young woman who discretely orchestrates the lives of the people around her, creating a world exclusively of her own making. Shot in over 80 Parisian locations, acclaimed director Jean-Pierre Jeunet.


Craft Tasters for everyone!

brynmill waterwheel14th May 10 - 4pm.  As part of Voluntary Arts Week this event allows any of you crafters out there to come along and try out something new.  Turn up and try.  No skill or experience required! 

  • Silk paper workshop* - cost per person £3, bookable in advance (includes all materials)
  • Patchwork workshop* -;cost per person £3 bookable in advance (includes all materials)
  • Children's crafts
  • Origami
  • Singing
  • Woolly crafts
  • Plant, pattern, seed swap


*For bookings ring 01792 523669 - only required for workshops

Light refreshments available.

Sponsored by Voluntary Arts Wales.


Another News Item

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Praesent aliquet bibendum urna tincidunt tristique. Morbi efficitur ipsum id diam vehicula, eu elementum nulla sollicitudin. Donec eget quam eu est tincidunt hendrerit sed a nibh. Phasellus fringilla metus nunc, ut iaculis felis bibendum in. Fusce lobortis efficitur tellus eget elementum. Maecenas facilisis et leo in gravida. Maecenas mattis porttitor facilisis. Aenean lectus lectus, viverra blandit mattis sit amet, placerat ornare ex. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam id nunc sem. In malesuada vulputate finibus. Sed tincidunt dui et nisi rhoncus malesuada. Pellentesque egestas dignissim neque vitae vehicula.

Painting the stairs

Centre Refurbishment

Recent redecoration has made a great difference to the centre. As the painters and decorators moved from room to room and up and down the stairs, we have watched each of the rooms and halls brighten up, till they are almost unrecognisable. It is a wonderful, bright and cheery place to be again. The changes have been much appreciated by everyone who uses the centre.

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